Image of a student walking on campus in the fall.


Read about some of the exciting things our alumni are doing with their degrees! Here are some selected profiles of former students.

如果你是一名校友,并希望在这里突出显示,请帮助让人类学系了解你毕业后的行踪和成就, please send an email to Elaine Gerber at:


Jamie Ancheta ’13

Jamie Ancheta was born and raised in Elizabeth, N.J. 并进入了伊丽莎白公立学校系统的荣誉高中——高级学院. 她于2009年至2013年就读于十大博彩推荐排名州立大学(Montclair State University),并获得人类学文学学士学位和考古学和地球科学副修学位. 毕业后,她参加了十大博彩推荐排名州立大学位于长岛东塞托基特的考古实地学校,并将她在本科职业生涯中获得的技能应用于现场环境.

在野外学校结束时,她被蒙茅斯大学人类学艺术硕士课程录取. 在蒙茅斯期间,她有机会管理考古实验室,该实验室正在处理来自加勒比海新泽西州和尼维斯的历史文物. 在蒙茅斯大学期间,她还是雪松桥2014年实地学校的考古实验室主任, N.J. 并以地理信息系统技术人员的身份协助蒙茅斯大学完成了一个与她的母校有关的项目, Montclair State University. 她还在文化资源管理公司Richard Grubb and Associates获得了作为人工制品技术员的经验. In the summer of 2014, 她是克林顿克里斯托费尔·沃特府(Christoffel Vought House)历史遗址的一个公共考古项目的联合现场主任, N.J.

Her Master’s thesis is entitled, “战前新泽西州非裔美国人身份创造的比较研究”,她在书中分析了19世纪美港非裔美国人社区的结构性种族主义和社区发展, N.J.

现在,24岁的她是亨特研究公司的现场和实验室技术员., a historical consulting company that is based in Trenton, New Jersey.

Stephen Brighton, Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies

Stephen Brighton副教授于2005年加入马里兰大学人类学系, and organizes an archaeological field school each summer in rural Ireland. He completed a B.A. 1992年在新泽西州十大博彩推荐排名州立大学获得人类学博士学位.D. from Boston University in 2005. His dissertation, 爱尔兰无产阶级流散的历史考古:爱尔兰身份在美国的物质表现, 1850-1910, 是一项基于人类学的研究,研究饥荒前爱尔兰农村、纽约和帕特森的爱尔兰移民和爱尔兰裔美国人社区的跨国历史和历史考古学, New Jersey. For more information about him, or the field school in rural Ireland, see

Jon Hanna

Following graduation in 2006 (BA Anthropology, Archaeology), 乔纳森·汉纳(Jonathan Hanna)在新泽西州多家公司的文化资源管理部门工作, NY, PA, MD, 从2007年到2008年,包括由纽约市首席法医办公室领导的世界贸易中心法医复原. 之后,他在美国自然历史博物馆会员和发展部工作, 管理会员数据库,希望能在人类学部门找到一份工作,但却徒劳无功. Married in 2008, he and his wife (Stephanie Morano, also Montclair, 2006-工业设计)自2010年以来一直在东加勒比海格林纳达岛担任和平队志愿者. 乔恩在一所小学教计算机,并在夏天为当地的孩子们举办了一个考古夏令营. Upon his return in 2013, he began a PhD program, focusing on Caribbean archaeology, at Penn State University. 他认为十大博彩推荐排名点燃了他对人类学的兴趣,并为四个分支学科提供了坚实的基础. You can read more about him here.

Claudia Urdanivia, Program Operations Manager at City Green

Claudia Urdanivia, graduated from Hunter College with a Master’s degree in Anthropology; she received her Graduate Certificate from in Community Development from Montclair State University. Claudia is currently working as the Program Operations Manager at City Green, 这是一个非营利组织,致力于在新泽西州北部城市建立城市农场和花园,以创造更多的健康机会, local food while also providing education in food systems, nutrition and the environment. City Green offers practical, technical and financial support to community members of all ages, and is committed to promoting food justice through greening efforts. 他们还提供一些实习机会,可能会引起十大博彩推荐排名州立大学学生的兴趣! Claudia’s interests include organic agriculture, sustainability, agrobiodiversity, and social justice. She works with local residents in cultivating both gardens and community. 以下是她发表的一篇文章的链接,内容是女性在安第斯山脉作为“作物多样性守护者”的角色:

Estefany Hernandez

埃斯特法尼辅修人类学(语言学专业),目前就读于联合县学院的美国手语认证课程. She is also working full time at Microsoft. She is trilingual (English, Spanish, American Sign Language) and one of the first in her family to graduate college. ‌

埃斯特法尼说,她的人类学背景让她对美国手语有了更好的理解, including the culture behind it…. “It’s not just language, but it’s language and its context that matter. Also, I think that anthropology has taught me about the grey areas in life, things aren’t just black and white but far more nuanced. And the culture empowers everything from the language you speak, the food you eat, the friends you make, and all kinds of decisions are influenced by culture….including how disabilities are looked at.”

She also says she has had some great professors at Montclair State, who she still thinks about, and the influences they’ve had on her. “I really miss my professors, and having intellectual conversations!”

Kristin Etzold, Program Advisor, American Field Service (AFS)

Kristin had this to say about her new job, and how anthropology connects to it:

“在AFS,我们为希望获得不同国家寄宿家庭文化视角的学生提供课程. Because I spent a semester with AFS in Argentina before college, 我知道,我将主要与那些有动力变得更有全球意识的学生一起工作. 美国的寄宿家庭是没有报酬的,所以他们接待交换学生的主要动机是打破刻板印象,让外国学生真正加入他们的家庭,并能够在国内传播我们的文化. For me, 我认为我的人类学知识最有用的地方主要是鼓励学生开放思想,不仅愿意成为美国的文化大使,还愿意沉浸在他们以前可能没有了解过的文化中. This gives me hope that the future might be filled with cultured minds.”

For more information, visit