Communication Sciences and Disorders Programs at Montclair State University


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传播科学与障碍系的使命是为学生准备满足新泽西州的执照要求和国家认证要求. 我们的毕业生将准备与有各种沟通障碍和吞咽障碍的人一起工作. 我们的课程强调跨学科的方法来理解沟通障碍, appropriate assessment of, and intervention for those disorders.

The MA program is a full-time, 住宿课程为期两年半,面向具有语言病理学和听力学(SLP)或交流科学与障碍(CSD)背景的学生。. 学生将在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学听力学和语言病理学中心完成一系列临床实践,并在新泽西-纽约地区包括医院在内的多个地点实习, public schools, and rehabilitation facilities. For more information about this program please visit the Department of Communcation and Sciences Disorders page.

Students who are accepted will be assigned to one of two cohorts:

  1. Students With a Background 谁将在申请截止日期(2月1日)前完成或注册本科准备课程,包括以下三门课程:语言发展概论, Phonetics and Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing.
  2. Students Without a Background who have not completed or are not enrolled in all three of these courses by the application deadline (February 1).  Once you apply, you will be considered a student without a background, so don’t take additional classes.

从项目毕业并完成临床奖学金(CF)年度, 我们的学生将有资格在新泽西州获得执照,并根据2014年认证标准获得美国言语语言听力协会临床认证委员会的认证.


Please refer to our programs of study 该页面提供了大学内所有研究生课程的综合列表.

Admission Requirements

语言病理学和听力学(SLPA)的本科学位或通信科学和障碍(CSD)的学位不需要进入SLP计划. 如果确定您缺少满足某些州许可要求所需的任何必修课程,并被认为有资格获得言语语言病理学临床能力证书(cc - slp)。, 你会被要求在项目毕业前完成缺失的课程.

研究生必须表现出不影响临床实践的沟通技巧.  被认为技能有问题的学生将被转介给教师小组进行进一步评估.  If necessary, a student will be referred for assistance. 需要帮助的学生必须重新评估,然后才能参加临床实践. 临床实习的报名将被推迟,直到沟通能力被认为是足够的.


The Office of Graduate Admissions requires the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree in order to be eligible to apply for a graduate program. Applicants with non-U.S. degrees, please visit the International Applicants to review the U.S. degree equivalency information.

Application Checklist

为了让你申请研究生院尽可能顺畅, we have created an application checklist. 这份清单可以作为你在申请过程中的参考点,以确保你对申请所需的步骤有一个全面的了解, 以及您感兴趣的特定项目的所有相应的补充材料.

以下是一份补充材料的清单,将伴随您的申请 沟通科学与障碍,言语语言病理学集中(MA)课程:

请注意,以下所有项目必须在美国东部时间晚上11:59之前收到 February 1st: 

  • CSDCAS申请费:CSDCAS要求所有申请人支付可变费用(首次申请133美元), $53 for each subsequent application).
  • $60 Montclair State University application fee is required.  有关申请费的详细信息将直接从研究生招生处发送给您.
  • One official transcript from each college attended.
  • 论文/个人陈述:论文应该说明你为什么对申请语言病理学项目感兴趣, what you want to do with a degree in speech-language pathology, 这些经历让你熟悉了语言病理学家的工作. 论文还应该说明你希望招生委员会在审查你的申请时考虑的特殊考虑.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Two (2) letters of recommendation. 每个推荐人都应该证明申请人在严格的研究生课程中取得成功的潜力. Letters should come from faculty at institutions of higher education.
  • Resume: Resume is optional.
  • Undergraduate GPA greater than or equal to 3.3 or a GPA of at least 3.0 from a prior master’s degree
  • GRE Test Scores are OPTIONAL. If you would like to submit official GRE scores, please send using code 2520.
    • GRE Minimums
      • Verbal GRE scores of 148
      • Quantitative GRE scores of 150
      • GRE writing score of 3.5
  • Applicants with non-U.S. degrees, please visit the International Applicants page to review the US degree equivalency information.

This 77-credit program includes coursework in Language Assessment, Voice Disorders, Speech and Hearing Science, and Research in Speech-Language Pathology. For more information, please visit the 沟通科学与障碍,言语语言病理学集中(MA)课程 listing in the University Catalog.


如果您对申请流程和要求有任何一般性问题, please email or call us:
Office of Graduate Admissions
Telephone: 973-655-5147
Fax: 973-655-7869

If you have specific inquiries regarding your program of interest, please contact the 沟通科学与障碍,言语语言病理学方向(硕士) Program Coordinator:

*During the summer months, there will be a rotating department chair available to answer your inquiry. Click to find the updated summer chair for this program.*

Program Coordinator: Dr. Michael Boyle
Telephone: 973-655-7303